Tuesday, October 20, 2009

No Way Only Half Way!? - Lee Myers-White

So I was taking a look at the calendar for our trip last night and I noticed that in four days we will be only half way through our trip! I am not sure about everyone else but I feel like I have lived here for about three years. The only thing keeping me from believing that is that I am still awful at Spanish. This week trying to take things fairly easy after a great time in Cozumel, possibly just go to the beach on Friday and then maybe go to Uxmal, another very large set of ruins, on Saturday before we leave on our ten day trip to Oaxaca and Chiapas. Yes let me spell this out for you, we have fall break in Cozumel, come back and have only 4 days of class and then leave on Saturday for a ten day trip. It just doesn't seem fair does it? Right now just sitting in Starbucks thinking I will be doing work soon but knowing that with internet at my disposal it may not happen for some time. Being my first blog entry I feel like I should have more to contribute, especially after Cozumel, but if you want to good idea of what it was like I suggest trying to check out the facebook pictures, I feel like they capture it better than I can in words. Also just recently picked a topic for our final project in Phylis' folklore class, I am working in a group of a few people and we decided to go around Merida and take pictures of graffiti. I found one flaw in our choice of topic as I snagged my camera the next time I was leaving the house: there is barley any graffiti in this city, almost nonexistent. All of walls are spotless. The only bit I can find is scribbled on bus seats or the classic bathroom stall. So as of now I am not sure what I am going to do. I have had almost 2 months to experience things to explain in this blog and this is all I can get and my next one is in a week so hopefully something monumental happens in 6 days or the next one may be pretty weak. Hasta luego!

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